Comparing The Best OBGYN EHR Software

Obgyn EHR software
Obgyn EHR software

What is EHR Software?

If you are in the medical field then there is little chance that you have not heard of an EHR system! EHR literally stands for Electronic Health Records. They are a way for medical professionals to digitize their patient related record keeping and a great aid to their medical practice. Obgyn EMR or Obgyn EHR software are specifically software which are suitable for ob gyn specialized doctors. 

If you are an OBGYN, then this is the perfect read for you because we are going to help you narrow down your choice of obgyn EMR software by telling you about different EMR systems and also comparing them with one another!

What a Good OBGYN EHR Software Should Have?

If you are an OBGYN, then there are certain features you should always ensure are available in the obgyn EMR you opt for. If the EMR doesn’t have them then you should consider another option. Most times vendors offer obgyn EHR Software demo which is a great way for you to learn about the software and see how it suits you and your needs before you decide to commit and choose a software for good. EMR software tends to have certain features across the board but there are certain things that might not be guaranteed on every software but you should ensure that the one you choose has these, because only then will it be the best EMR for obgyn. 

Customization Options

The charts and general template should be easily customizable so you can add options and questions that OBGYNs would need to have in order to fully have proper patient history. At times certain software have versions of their EMR which is specifically for a certain specialty and in those they ensure that they are suited to the need of the niche in medicine it is catering to! If the template does not already exist or cannot be customized or things cannot be added to them, this may prove to be a problem thus you should avoid softwares that do not provide this feature. 


As an OBGYN, maintaining patient confidentiality is of the utmost importance. While all software related to EMR has to be secure, ob gyn EMR software has to ensure security even more so! A patient’s information and results of any kind need to be only viewed by those authorized thus make sure whatever EMR you choose is the best EMR for ob gyn in that they have great security protocol in place! 

Cloud Storage

If you have an EMR which has cloud storage, you can virtually access it anywhere in the world. This comes in especially happy when your patient goes into labour. They will be rushed to a hospital near them and as their doctor you will go there. With a cloud based EMR you can access it remotely from whatever hospital your patient is in! This will help you a lot in terms of always being able to access your patient’s files and medical records no matter where you are. You do not have to carry bulky folders with you or have to have them sent over from the desktop computer at your practice that they are housed in! 

EHR Software Recommendations 

Now that you know what to be on the lookout for when looking for EMR software, we want to give you a few recommendations which are very popular for OBGYN and tell you why it’s a good choice! 

AllScripts EHR Software

Since OBGYN EHR Software pricing tends to be high much like any other EHR, this is a good option as it is from a well reputed company. The software is also popular in Canada and Australia apart from the United States. Their customer service is great and they help you out no matter what day or time it is which is why a lot of doctors love them! Most of their customers are very satisfied according to the feedback they receive. 

Cerner EMR Software

Cerner is another well trusted name in the EHR industry. They happen to be one of the leading EHR providers in the United States. They have a specialized version of their software for OBGYN speciality. You can request for an OBGYN EHR software tutorial and see if the software suits you before you make the leap and purchase it. 

AdvancedMD EHR Software

This is a name you might have heard of before. This is another software which doctors love. AdvancedMD also has a special template and features for OBGYN practitioners specifically. They have customizable templates as well if you want to add something on your own or just think there is another addition which the software would benefit from!