Characteristics to Look for in an SEO Expert


In today’s digital age, whether your company is big or small, you have to have a website. With it, you get web traffic for sales or marketing. However, even though your site is eye catching, if it doesn’t consistently attract targeted users and lead to conversions, then it’s not doing its job, but negatively impacting your bottom line. This is where SEO comes into play; through it; you can drive up web traffic to your website. However, navigation the SEO scene can be hard, and if you don’t know what you are doing, you can end up doing more harm than good. That’s why you need an SEO expert to guide you.

Who is an SEO Expert?

A search engine optimization expert or professional is a person who is well versed in all matters SEO. They analyze, review, and implement changes to websites so that they are optimized for search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Their main objective is maximizing web traffic to a site by improving its rank in the search result pages. Simply put it’s their job to make your website show up at the top of the search result pages. Thanks to changes in technology being an SEO expert ten years ago looks a lot different than it does now, and you need a new skill set.finding an SEO expert in Adelaide, for instance, isn’t as easy as it sounds. You need someone with enough experience to understand both local and international markets. Here are some of the things to look for when picking an SEO Expert

1. Background Experience in SEO

Thanks to the high demand for SEO nowadays, it seems that new SEO agencies are popping up everywhere. Anyone can set up a firm and claim to be an expert with or without the required knowledge in the field; this doesn’t mean they know what they are doing. However, what really sets professionals apart from posers is years of experience. To be called an expert, an SEO specialist must have some experience under their belt. There’s a lot going on under the hood when it comes to SEO, and it takes years of experiencing them to truly do a good job. A seasoned expert can look at a site and know exactly what it needs to get more traffic. However, newbies will try the same things on every site they work on, which has a limited effect.

2. A Comprehensive Understanding of All 3 SEO Levels

Search engine optimization is built on a foundation of three components: the technical tier, on-page, and off-page optimization. The technical tier looks at the structure of a website to determine its accessibility for search engines to crawl and index its content. On-page or on-site optimization involves using HTML tags, and keywords or phrases to generate traffic to your site. Lastly, off-page optimization involves building links. To truly benefit from SEO, it cannot be one dimensional. Your chosen Adelaide SEO expert, for instance, should create an SEO strategy that incorporates all levels to maximize success. If even one tier is ignored, it undermines everything else you do, and all optimization efforts will be useless.

3. Knowledgeable About Marketing

Aside from the technical aspects, SEO is quite similar to traditional marketing; in terms of providing useful content that leads to a conversion. This means that SEO experts need to be market savvy and knowledgeable. Ignoring anything that’s outside the scope of SEO is not only foolish but also sets you up for failure. SEO professionals need to have a firm grasp of marketing strategies and other aspects such as psychological traits, culture, user experience, how to design and develop the product in question, etc. Disconnecting from the holistic nature of SEO means you might implement measures that might end up doing more harm than good.

4. Great Communication Skills, Passionate and Inquisitive

Search engine optimization is not a one-man job. SEO experts need to communicate why certain changes need to be made to the rest of the team, which can include developers, designers, or business owners. Similar to any sphere of work, communication is key to effective implementation of any strategy. Other than that, passion and curiosity are great drivers of work, characteristics any potential SEO expert should have. Being passionate and curious means, they are effective at getting things done ready for challenges and has an innate desire to learn in the wake of this rapidly changing industry.

An SEO expert must have great problem-solving and decision-making skills as well as be able to prioritize and develop relevant, engaging content because content is king. On top of all that, they must continuously test and implement different SEO techniques to keep your website on top. Given all the responsibility an SEO specialist has, it important that you select one carefully. By knowing what characteristics to look for, you are sure to get someone proficient.

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