Top 10 Mobile App-based Live Streaming Platforms

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The live streaming has witnessed a growth of 17.80% CAGR over the last few years and is expected to grow. It is making companies thrive in a new way with access to live video streams and enjoying the going live trends.

We are living in a world where social media is now becoming famous for going with the live trend that is at its peak. Be it speaker, artists, social media influencer, and gamers everyone is now going live now and then.

It is becoming a great platform to get in touch with customers, build brands, interact, and whatnot. Now businesses are opting for live streaming instead of following conferences or seminars in the physical location.

The motive of the whole live streaming platform is to make a connection and interact with users. It is a great platform that allows people to get an idea of what the customers want and how they can make it possible.

Especially amid the pandemic, video streaming has come up as a life savior since everyone is locked at home but the work is never on a break. Hence, the live streaming is now used for conferences, concerts, fitness classes, training sessions, etc.

This has come up as a great opportunity for business owners to get in touch with their customers in a better and innovative way. With this said, let us walk you through the top 10 live streaming applications that are ruling the market and making business owners consider hiring Mobile App Development Company.

With this said, let us give you the names of top applications of live streaming. 

  • Periscope – It is one of the top applications for live streaming that allows users to interact with followers and go live easily. Not only this but there is the option of replay for the video that allows followers to watch the saved copy of live video later on. Additionally, the broadcast video is another of the settings that are included in the applications that make it easy for users to target potential audiences easily. 
  • YouTube Live – YouTube is already one of the most popular video streaming platforms and with live options added to it, it is going to another level of success. It allows users to connect with the potential audience but while maintaining their privacy. Yes, the users can edit their settings and can go live for those only whom they select. Another major advantage of YouTube live is the preview window. The users can see what their audience will see once they are live on the platform. 
  • Ustream – This application is a bit different as it not only allows users to stream live videos but also followers can enjoy recent videos on the account. This also allows users to broadcast live and discover the live events in the coming days of the month. It is a great platform that allows users to not only manage but also reshare the videos that have been recorded to let their followers enjoy. 
  • Twitch – The major feature of Twitch as the video streaming application is the users enjoying others as part of esports tournaments or video games. It is a great platform for video gamers to interact and their ideas with each other. In addition to this, the gaming content can be broadcasted by users to let others see and learn or just enjoy. 
  • Facebook Live – This is the application that we are very much aware of. A few years back, Facebook added the option of live streaming on the application that allows users to go live and let their friends and followers enjoy the live updates. The best thing about this Facebook Live is that the users can choose their videos and the audience can comment on it allowing two-way communication. 
  • Instagram Live – Another platform that is making users go crazy about is Instagram live which is extremely popular for celebrities. Be it iOS or Android app developers or even the owners, they are going crazy to have a platform live Instagram that allows users to send comments or responses to the person that is live, record live videos, or even join the call with each other. 
  • Vimeo – This platform allows users to use the live graphics, polls, Question Answers, audience chat like features to make the interaction more flowing and enjoyable. It is a platform that allows users to upload and discover videos while checking on video analytics to understand its progress.
  • LiveStream – This platform comes with the built-in char options that help the users go get in touch with viewers and interact easily. Additionally, the followers or friends get a notification when the user goes live so that they can connect and enjoy streaming. It is also a great way to enjoy the live event while broadcasting it across the globe. 
  • Broadcast Me – This is the live streaming application that includes features like online payment, real-time tracking, finding restaurants, and even ordering the product with a tap. The users can live stream on any application using Broadcast me that gives a glimpse to users into the real world.
  • Wowza GoCoder – In this platform, the users can enjoy Facebook Live streaming with the external link option as the key factor. It also allows the auto-configuration for users that connect them. Additionally, the in-app deployment and Wowza server are the core of the application. 

These are the top applications that are used for live streaming.